Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Wild Card Wednesday - Must Have Printables

I am a mom.  Which means I am also a baker, a coach, a maid, an interior designer, a short order cook, an accountant, a chauffeur, a teacher and a billion other things all rolled into one.  And in order to get even half  (ok, a quarter) of my to do list done each day I need to be organized. 

Thank heaven for the Internet.  Seriously.  That's where I get my must have printables from.  Sure there are TONS of the cute printables that I have saved on my computer but those are for another day.  These are the essential, can not live without, must have printables for my kitchen. 

And now they are for you too.  What printables help keep you organized?

3. Eat this week (I L.O.V.E. this.  It makes sure things don't go bad anymore!  No more wasted food!)

4. The Cook's Helper (Print and attach to magnets - keep on the fridge at all times!  I didn't realize how much I would use this -- I should have done it years ago!)  

Talk soon!


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